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VELIA Sports Days

As of 25th March 2007

The very first Sports Day was organized on the 25th March 2007 and  was such a success that it prompted the spirit to plan more events.

Since then, there has been several “Sports Day Events” and the activities varied and increased in each one and as always, this event proved great fun for the VELIA community.

Activities such as football, basketball and volleyball were among the most popular games played as well as indoor board games such as backgammon and cards.  Special games and activities were provided for children of all ages.

It was however amusing to see people dressed in full sports outfits such as football jerseys and boots while playing cards and backgammon for the whole day.

The VELIA board has been discussing the idea of holding a competition to see who the most athletically dressed card player is.

Throughout these sports days, everybody engaged in different activities; the kids enjoyed shooting hoops at the basketball court, or sometimes eagerly awaited their turn for the animation artist invited to VELIA events for the kids. They painted their faces while parents gathered and lounged in the cafeteria. Teams were also organized to play friendly football matches..
















Velia VZW - Quillenstraat 37 B-2018 - info@veliavzw.be